Nvidia Ampere Launch Date Confirmed – 1st September – Here’s What You’ll See in the Event - iTechN

Finally, the time has come, Nvidia has officially announced the event
date for GeForce Event 2020 & with it, Ampere launch date is upon

How to Install Python 3.8.1 on Windows 10 - Python Installation for Beginners - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

Today we'll take a look at how to install python 3.8.1 on Windows 10 64-bit.
The process is super easy and you'll be able to get started within minutes.

How to Install Pycharm on Windows 10 - Best Python IDE for Windows - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

In this video, you'll learn how to download Pycharm and then, install it
on Windows PC (Windows 10 in my case) and then, we'll create a very
small Python Project to see if our installation was right.

How to Install VSCode for Python on Windows 10 - Visual Studio Code for Python - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

Today, in this video, we'll take a look at how to install VSCode for Python on Windows 10.
If you are beginning your coding career with Python programming language then you will need an amazing IDE (integrated development environment) & among few other IDEs (like Pycharm), VSCode by Microsoft stands proudly.

Python IDLE vs Pycharm vs VSCode - Best Python Code Editor - Learn Python Codes Python Tutorial - YouTube

In this video, you'll get to see how Python IDLE works and how to customize font type and font size, colors, themes, etc.

Abhay Season 2 Release Date - ITechN - YouTube

Hi friends, In this video, we'll talk about Abhay Season 2 Release Date, Plot & if there's any chance of Season 3.

How to Install Pygame on Windows 10 - pip install pygame - Pygame Installation Tutorial - YouTube

In this video, we'll cover how to install pygame on Windows 10 if you are planning to create games on Python.

What are Functions in Python - Write Your First Function in Python 3 - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

Today, let's take a look at What are functions in Python.
As you know, when you work in a programming language, you don't have to do everything by yourself.

Best Way to Learn Python for Non Programmers - How to Learn Python Fast - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

In today's video, you'll see the best way to learn python for non
You must have already heard a number of times that Python is the easiest
programming language to step into the world of programming / coding.

Python vs Java vs C - Python Trending - What is Python Used For in Programming - Learn Python Codes - YouTube

In this video, we'll learn about why you must learn Python in 2020. How
it compares to Java & C in terms of complexity & ease of

Salary of Python developer in India - Salary Trend - Best Cities for Python Developers - YouTube

This video is going to be super exciting. You'll get to learn about
salary of python developer in India. The ongoing salary trend in India
and which cities are great for python developers.

AMD RDNA 2 vs Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti - AMD Big Navi May Lose Against Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti - iTechN

It’s a roller-coaster of rumours for gaming and hardware enthusiasts as
they keep hyping us up and then bringing us down. This time, it’s about
AMD RDNA 2 vs Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti.